Monday, July 12, 2010

Yes, ma'am, I ate your leftovers...

Yesterday I happened to be standing near the host stand when a woman came in looking for her credit card. Standard stuff.  Then it gets weird. She follows up with: "Oh, and my food... but somebody probably took it in back and ate that by now..."  

What?!?  Did she really just suggest that we would have taken her leftovers to the back and eaten them?  We may be just waiters, but I promise you, we're not that broke.  Maybe she was being sarcastic?  Okay, I can accept that as a possibility, maybe even a likelihood, but this isn't an isolated occurrence.

A few months ago, one of my Angry Coworkers had one of those people.  This woman had supposedly lost her camera at our restaurant.  Well, according to her, it had been stolen. By her server, no less.  No, it just couldn't have been that her three-year-old grandson lost it.  Well, yes he was playing with it throughout the meal, but he's too mature to have dropped it somewhere.  Her server must have stolen it!  

This woman even tried to make a deal with Angry Coworker.  A. C. could keep the camera if she would just "please give back the memory card.  That's all that really matters: the pictures!"  The nerve of this woman.  To blatantly accuse someone of theft without a shred of proof.  The only nice thing I can say about this woman is at least she said please...

And sadly, that's not the only time this has happened.  Just a couple of weeks ago a man claimed his wife's cell phone was stolen when they were eating at our restaurant.  For some reason it took him four days to come back and ask about it.  Oh, and according to him this was the second time she had a cell phone stolen at our location.  I'm sorry, but when you've had two cell phones "stolen," maybe it's time to consider insurance... that and maybe some instruction on the difference between theft and stupidity.  Unless someone physically came up and took your phone out of your hand, it's awfully hard for a phone to be stolen.  It should either be in your purse/pocket, or in your hand while you're on it.  

And, sir, no one steals a $50 flip phone.

Different actors, different lines, but it's all the same story.  People, we're not criminals, we're not starving vagabonds, we're waiters.  We're doing our job just like everyone else.  If you wouldn't accuse the receptionist at your doctor's office of stealing your camera/phone/toddler, then don't accuse us.  And please, keep in mind how common it is to lose a cell phone.  Forty-three percent of users have lost a cell phone, most in bars and restaurants.  You're not alone, and we do understand your frustration and pain. But that doesn't give us any magical powers, so be courteous as we try to help you.

--The Angry Waiter

"But my thoughts ran a wool-gathering; and I did like the countryman, who looked for his ass while he was mounted on his back." - Cervantes

Public Service Announcement #1

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